Monday, March 14, 2016

How to become a better rapper!

This article is for those of you, who are still developing their rapping skills. Still experimenting with rhyme schemes, content matter and different instrumentals.

You're probably motivated by the sole motive of becoming better at rapping, so you can one day have music that can be heard by the the people. Let me show you the way, with which you can be sure that you're on the right road to achieving this dream.

Philosophy behind the Methods

I will present you with a number of methods which will ensure your improvement in rapping, but before I do this, I feel it's only right to give you the overall philosophy behind those methods, not to sound smart, but so you can create your own methods deriving from it.

The philosophy is to incorporate rapping into your daily regime.
The truth is that you are what you do and if you want to become a better rapper, you should dedicate a big chunk of your day to the improvement of your rap skills. You're in the building stage right now, you don't need to wait for the inspiration to hit you and then write rhymes.
Not feeling like writing lyrics is not an excuse right now. You either want to get better or you don't. If you do, you have to be willing to show your desire by incorporating the following methods in your daily routine.

1. Promise that you will write one song per day

I would repeat that this is for those of you, who have the burning desire to improve their rapping. If you're busy, make time. This is very important. Writing and recording one full song per day is the keystone of your improvement.

 Go on youtube, search for a cool beat, download it, think of your structure, write your lyrics and chorus, record it at home and then listen to it and look for mistakes.
This is the best way with which you will improve your skills, guaranteed.
If you don't have a microphone, for god sakes buy one, you can find cheap microphones for 20 bucks or less. You won't show these songs to anybody, they are strictly for you, they are training songs.

I guarantee that you will improve your delivery over time.

You will improve your rhyme schemes, you will improve your content matter, you will improve everything, simply by creating that habit of writing and recording one song per day.
Motivate yourself, you have to do the song. This is something that just should be done. It might be hard in the beginning, but you will get used to it and writing that song will eventually become the highlight of your day.
Further Reading: What Everyone Needs to Know About Being a Rapper

2. Start listening to music from another angle

You're probably listening to your favorite rappers right now, with the motive of enjoying their music, not thinking about anything and just vibing to their melody. If you're dedicated to become better everyday, you have to listen to music from a different prospective. Don't listen, STUDY.

Study his rhyme schemes, maybe you can incorporate something in your lyrics. Study his content matter. Why did he say that? What does it mean? What effect does it have on the audience? Can I use a similar technique?
Study his delivery.
Study the way he performs the song, his breath breaks, his vocal tonality and so on. Be a student of rap, not a consumer. You're a rapper now, cross the river bank and come on our side.
Further Reading: The Mindset of a Great Rapper

3. Analyze the lyrics of your favorite songs

Have you seen our lyrics analyzer section? What about our How to Rap Like: section? I think you should. We're extracting the lyrics from a song and then we analyze its rhyme schemes. This is a habit which you should create for yourselves.
Whenever you have time, or you don't feel like writing lyrics, don't just waste your time doing nothing man, time is priceless.Turn this into an opportunity, where you can learn something new.
Analyze the lyrics and incorporate what you like in your writings, enriching them with different styles. The style of a rapper is nothing more than a mix of the styles of other rappers plus a touch of innovation.
Further Reading: How to Rap Like Big Pun

4. Motivation is vital

There will be days where you won't feel like writing. There will be days when you don't feel like having anything to do with rap music, but you know what?
You gave yourself a promise that you will become better at rapping everyday. That you wont give up until you reach the success you strive for. So you really HAVE to do it, it's that simple.
Only suckers and losers give up man. Only weak people don't do what they have to do. You won't feel like writing in the beginning, but once you get into it properly, you will forget about everything and just let your creativity flow.
Make rapping and creating songs your entertainment for each day.
Further Reading: 4 Simple Ways to Stay Motivated to Rap

5. No Magic Pills Available People

I'm sorry if you expected this article to give you a fast and easy way to become the next Big L, but it just doesn't work that way.
What you get is what you put into. After reading this article, don't just scroll down looking for other articles. Get a piece of paper, a pen and decide how will you incorporate those principles in your daily regime.
How are you going to fit them into your busy day schedule? Make your rap improvement methods a daily habit and success will eventually come to you. The questions is just when.

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